Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Vista Hermosa... New!!

As the world moves forward to new trends and styles, so does Belver Havana Cuba Classic Cars
Hence the creation of this new route, which protagonist is no less than one of the most important things in life and one of the greatest pleasures: food and eating.

This route introduces a most special day at the ecological farm Vista Hermosa.
Cuba is mainly an agricultural Island, even if the greatest percentage of our working force is in services. The country has a huge agro-ecological knowledge, and every hear the government puts more interest in sustainable, organic, ecological agriculture. A kind of agriculture that is a health-trend in many parts of today's world, but for generations of Cubans that's the way food is eaten. Therefore our fruits and vegetables have an exquisite flavour.

Vista Hermosa is the vivid portray of this. And farming is not their only trade. They also cook, produce their own cheese. People who work there are an amazing team of farmers, vets, agrarian engineers mainly, who carry the weight of this wonders on theor shoulders and due to their passion and persistence this earthly paradise comes to us as a spring of colours, flavours and fun.
The farm is located in the rural area of the municipality of Guanabacoa. It takes about an hour of a beautiful ride by car.

Once there, a guide that works at the farm and knows all about it will take you on a walking tour along the estate's premises in which you can as well enjoy the view of chickens, pigs, goats, ducks among other animals.

Another special attraction will be horses. You can mount one to discover more of this vast property or, if you are not into horse back riding you can just hop on a tractor-trailer and enjoy a rather unusual ride.

Right after this exhausting adventure comes the reward of a delicious and unparalleled traditional Cuban lunch. Nothing gets any better: a heavenly meal, live Cuban music and the memory of such experience which will remain in your heart much longer than you can ever predict.

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